- Ceiling Lighting (2119)
- Bathroom Lighting (1398)
- Pendant Lights (934)
- Landscape Lighting (833)
- Chandeliers (803)
- Light Kits & Accessories (586)
- Bathroom Lighting (1398)
- Cabinet Lighting (426)
- Ceiling Fan Controls (19)
- Ceiling Fans (437)
- Ceiling Lighting (2119)
- Ceiling Mounted (69)
- Chandeliers (803)
- Fans (4)
- Flood Lights (42)
- Hanging Lanterns (105)
- Landscape Lighting (833)
- Outdoor Lamps (3)
- Outdoor Wall Lights (586)
- Pendant Lights (934)
- Post Lights (147)
- Recessed Lighting (1)
- Specialty (3)
- Track Lighting (13)
- Wall Sconces (374)
- Dimmers, Switches & Outlets (3)
- Hallway Step Lights (69)
- Light Bulbs (141)
- Light Kits & Accessories (586)
- More Options...
- Less Options...
Bronze Tones (1909)
Blacks (1322)
Brushed Nickel Tones (941)
Whites (663)
Brass Tones (442)
Chrome (322)
Blacks (1322)
Blues (8)
Brass Tones (442)
Bronze Tones (1909)
Browns (114)
Brushed Nickel / Pewter Tones (34)
Brushed Nickel Tones (941)
Chrome (322)
Clear / Translucent (102)
Copper Tones (65)
Gold Tones (59)
Greens (10)
Greys (63)
Iron Tones (72)
Neutrals (53)
Nickel / Pewter Tones (2)
Pewter Tones (254)
Polished Nickel Tones (270)
Reds (5)
Silvers (208)
Stainless Steel (51)
Steel (50)
Unique Finishes (24)
Whites (663)
Wood Tones (42)
- More Options...
- Less Options...
Price Range
Under $50 (883)
$50-$99 (829)
$100-$199 (1416)
$200-$299 (1063)
$300-$399 (774)
$400-$499 (516)
$500-$599 (352)
$600-$699 (272)
$700-$799 (193)
$800-$899 (136)
$900-$999 (126)
$1000 and over (525)
Contemporary (1823)
Transitional (1547)
Traditional (1087)
Industrial (342)
Craftsman/Rustic Lodge (195)
Coastal (175)
Casual (10)
Coastal (175)
Contemporary (1823)
Craftsman/Rustic Lodge (195)
Farmhouse Modern (132)
Global (57)
Industrial (342)
Luxe (115)
Mid-Century Modern (143)
Modern (1)
Rustic/Lodge (1)
Traditional (1087)
Transitional (1547)
Tropical (2)
- More Options...
- Less Options...
Kichler (7085)
Hinkley (6329)
Progress (6196)
Generation Lighting (4522)
Maxim (3291)
Capital Lighting (2376)
Satco (1401)
Brizo (12)
Broan (2)
Capital Lighting (2376)
Craftmade (1)
Elan (40)
Gatco (17)
Generation Lighting (4522)
Ginger (73)
Hinkley (6329)
Kohler (100)
Maxim (3291)
Moen (145)
Motiv (11)
Nuvo Lighting (1135)
Panasonic (7)
Progress (6196)
Robern (198)
Satco (1401)
Zurn (4)
- More Options...
- Less Options...
- Landscape LED (464)
- Downrod (221)
- Accessory (154)
- ILS TE Series (119)
- Builder (108)
- Utilitarian (92)
- 12V Accessory (2)
- 18 (2)
- 3' Length-Chain (3)
- 4 Corners (1)
- 4D Series 12V LED Disc (8)
- 4U Series (8)
- 4U Series LED (8)
- 6D Series (4)
- 6D Series 24V LED Disc (4)
- 6U Series LED (12)
- 8U Series (19)
- Abbotswell (12)
- Aberdeen (3)
- Accent (17)
- Accent Light (2)
- Accessory (154)
- Acrylic Lens Step Light (1)
- Adeena (9)
- Adjustable Cescent (1)
- Adjustable Height Stem (2)
- Admirals Cove (4)
- Ahrendale (11)
- Aivian (8)
- Alameda (7)
- Albers (8)
- Alden (4)
- Aldergate (5)
- Aleeka (2)
- Alexia (3)
- Ali (27)
- Alkire (4)
- Allenbury (9)
- Almere (3)
- Almeria (1)
- Alscar (5)
- Alton (20)
- Alvaro (18)
- Amarena (4)
- Amaryliss (2)
- Amber Valley (2)
- Amira (2)
- Andover (7)
- Ania (6)
- Annata (1)
- Ansonia (11)
- Aquilino (1)
- Ara (7)
- Archer (4)
- Arcola (2)
- Arcus (12)
- Argyle (11)
- Aries Manor (1)
- Arkville (3)
- Arkwet (3)
- Arkwright (8)
- Arlo (2)
- Armand (5)
- Armida (41)
- Armstrong (20)
- Artem (4)
- Arvada (3)
- Arvela (2)
- Ashbern (4)
- Ashbyrn (2)
- Asher (3)
- Ashland Bay (13)
- Ashton (1)
- Aster (2)
- Atwood (5)
- Aubrey (34)
- Audrea (8)
- Aura (3)
- Avery (49)
- Avon (6)
- Ayra (2)
- Azores (6)
- Baile (8)
- Ballast (1)
- Bamboo (2)
- Barras (4)
- Barrie (22)
- Barrington (2)
- Basford (2)
- Basics (4)
- Basics Pro (13)
- Basics Pro Legacy (8)
- Basics Pro Premier (8)
- Basics Pro Select (5)
- Basics Revisited (48)
- Bath Bar (10)
- Bath Strip (9)
- Bay Shore (4)
- Bay Village (5)
- Bazely (6)
- BBQ Light (1)
- Beacon Square (12)
- Beckett (9)
- Bellamy (1)
- Belmont (4)
- Bensimone (5)
- Benton (1)
- Bentzen (3)
- Berryhill (1)
- Berwick (1)
- Beveled Box (4)
- Birkdale (2)
- Birkleigh (10)
- Bisc (3)
- Bisou (3)
- Bixler (28)
- Blue Filter Lens (2)
- Bollard Kit (6)
- Bollard Stake (1)
- Bollard Template Kit (1)
- Bordeaux (3)
- Botanica (4)
- Bowen (19)
- Bradford (2)
- Braelyn (21)
- Brahm (4)
- Branches (4)
- Branner (10)
- Breda (9)
- Bretta (6)
- Briar (2)
- Brick Light (2)
- Bridge Point (5)
- Brinley (22)
- Brisbane (4)
- Brit (9)
- Brix (2)
- Brooklyn (1)
- Builder (108)
- Byatt (2)
- Cadence (2)
- Cahoon (4)
- Caldella (1)
- Calleigh (4)
- Calyssa (4)
- Cambria (4)
- Camden (6)
- Camerena (24)
- Cameron (10)
- Camillo (4)
- Canfield (22)
- Canfield Pro (3)
- Canfield Select (2)
- Canfield XL Patio (2)
- Cans & Bullets (20)
- Capanna (8)
- Caparros (4)
- Capitol Hill (9)
- Carlson (6)
- Carrick (12)
- Carston (9)
- Cartone (4)
- Casilda (6)
- Cassadee (6)
- Caterham (6)
- Cathedral (2)
- Cayden (2)
- CBR (10)
- CBR LED Integrated (6)
- Cecil (2)
- Ceiling Space (19)
- Celino (3)
- Centennial (1)
- Center Mount (2)
- Cesya (2)
- Chagrin (4)
- Chalkboard (1)
- Chance Harbor (5)
- Chatham (2)
- Chesapeake (15)
- Chiara (2)
- Circline (2)
- Circolo (14)
- Cirus (4)
- City Lights (2)
- City Loft (1)
- Clare (4)
- Classic (6)
- Classic Flush (6)
- Claudia (2)
- Cleara (6)
- Climates (15)
- Clip (1)
- Clyde (9)
- Cobson (4)
- Colerne (10)
- Como (2)
- Concord Lantern (1)
- Concrete Pour kit (1)
- Contractor (15)
- Cool Touch (13)
- Copper (1)
- Corrosion Preventive Compound (1)
- Cortez (2)
- Cosabella (3)
- Cotswold (3)
- Courtyard (18)
- Cove Molding Top Glass (3)
- Cowl Accessory (5)
- Crescent View (2)
- Cresleigh (4)
- Crook Neck (1)
- Crosby (75)
- Crosett (1)
- Cross Creek (5)
- Cross Creek Lantern (1)
- Crystal Ball (3)
- Crystal Persuasion (5)
- Crystal Skye (3)
- CS LED Lamps (4)
- Cullen (6)
- Currituck (1)
- Cuyahoga Mill (3)
- Dahlia (4)
- Daimlen (4)
- Dalwood (4)
- Dame (6)
- Damp High Output Tape (2)
- Damp Standard Output Tape (2)
- Damp Tape Accessory (3)
- Dancar (4)
- Danika (4)
- Darton (6)
- Davenport (4)
- Davis (1)
- Decorative Hammered Roof (3)
- Deela (12)
- Delison (3)
- Deryn (8)
- Devin (4)
- Direct Wire LED (1)
- Dome (6)
- Doncaster (2)
- Dover (29)
- Downlight Gen I (2)
- Downlight Gen II (2)
- Downrod (221)
- Downtown Deco (4)
- Dreyfus (4)
- Dry Hardstrip Accessory (8)
- Dry High Output Tape (17)
- Dry Standard Output Hardstrip (3)
- Dry Standard Output Tape (18)
- Dry Tape Accessory (6)
- Dry Ultra Output Tape (6)
- Eads (4)
- Eastmont (8)
- Eclipse (4)
- Edmar (3)
- Eileen (54)
- Eisley (12)
- Elata (4)
- Elbur (2)
- Elias (10)
- Ellerbeck (3)
- Ellis (1)
- Ellys (1)
- Eloise (2)
- Embassy Row (4)
- Emile (2)
- Emmala (2)
- Emory (3)
- Empire (4)
- Enduro (1)
- Eris (7)
- Erzo (6)
- Estella (2)
- Etcher (8)
- Evan (4)
- Everett (12)
- Everly (84)
- Evie (5)
- Fairfield (4)
- Fan Canopy (1)
- Farum (24)
- Ferron (3)
- Finet (3)
- Finial Kit (14)
- Finn (4)
- Fiona (2)
- Fira (8)
- Flagship (4)
- Flood Light (3)
- Florence (4)
- Flyy (3)
- Fole (1)
- Forestdale (6)
- Forge (4)
- Franceasi (8)
- Freeport (3)
- Freesia (6)
- Frosted Lens (2)
- Fulton Cross (3)
- Fundamentals (7)
- Gala (4)
- Galaxy (4)
- Galemore (5)
- Garim (1)
- Gate House Garden (1)
- Gavin (2)
- Gen Select (2)
- Geno (4)
- Gentry (7)
- Gentry XL (4)
- Gioe (31)
- Glass & Metal (2)
- Granby (23)
- Grand Bank (15)
- Grayson (1)
- Greenbrier (16)
- Grendel (2)
- Grenoble (2)
- Gunnison (5)
- Half Moon (4)
- Halleron (4)
- Halogen Mini Cand (9)
- Halogen MR11 (2)
- Halogen MR16 (4)
- Halogen PAR36 (2)
- Harbor Bay (4)
- Harbor Row (5)
- Harmony (16)
- Harvest Ridge (3)
- Hastings (3)
- Hatteras Bay (30)
- Hatteras Bay Patio (3)
- Hatton (9)
- Hayman Bay (6)
- Heddle (9)
- Hendrik (39)
- Hex (9)
- Hexcell Louver (2)
- HID 120 Volt Spot Light (1)
- HID High Intensity Discharge (2)
- Holbrook (2)
- Hone (2)
- Horizon II (4)
- Horizon III (4)
- Horizon Select (1)
- Hugo (3)
- Ibis (3)
- Ice (2)
- ILS TE Series (119)
- Imahn (2)
- Imari (3)
- Impello (6)
- In Gound Stake (1)
- Incus (3)
- Indeco (4)
- Industrial Cage (3)
- Industrial Frames (4)
- Inverted Pendant (8)
- Iron (1)
- Jace (4)
- Jade (3)
- Janiel (8)
- Jardine (3)
- Jasper (8)
- Jewel (1)
- Joelson (33)
- Jolie (41)
- Jules (2)
- Kadas (3)
- Kailey (3)
- Karia (3)
- Karlee (4)
- Karmarie (10)
- Karthe (12)
- Kavi (16)
- Kayva (6)
- Kearn (3)
- Keiran (30)
- Keller (2)
- Kensington (2)
- Kent (2)
- Kentucky Horse (1)
- Kerti (2)
- Kevlar (6)
- Kimberley (2)
- Kimberwick (3)
- Kinsey (5)
- Kirkwood (10)
- Kitner (7)
- Kittery (1)
- Klever (1)
- Koblenz (3)
- Korben (2)
- Korona (3)
- Kosmus (4)
- Krasi (4)
- Kroft (4)
- Krysia (3)
- Kympton (2)
- Kyte (3)
- Lacey (26)
- Lacey II (2)
- Lafayette Lantern (1)
- Lahden (4)
- Lakum (3)
- Landi (2)
- Landscape LED (464)
- Landscape LED Kit (8)
- Langford (39)
- Lantana (4)
- Lara (10)
- Large Center Mount (1)
- Larkin (13)
- Larkin Estate (2)
- Lasus (7)
- Laurene (24)
- Laurent (4)
- Layan (3)
- Leanora (3)
- LED Decorative Hammered Roof (2)
- LED PAR20 (6)
- LED PAR30 (12)
- LED PAR36 (1)
- LED PAR38 (5)
- LED Power Supply 12V (6)
- LED Power Supply 24V (4)
- LED Retrofit (6)
- Leeds (5)
- Lehr (3)
- Lehr II (3)
- Leighton (2)
- Lens (2)
- Lens Filter (1)
- Lente (4)
- LifeBright (4)
- Lija (4)
- Lilah (2)
- Linara (5)
- Linear (6)
- Linear LED (4)
- Linear Lens (1)
- Linear Step (1)
- Link (2)
- Livadia (9)
- Llena (6)
- Llenita (6)
- Logan (5)
- Long Cowl (10)
- Lorin (8)
- Loula (3)
- Louver Hexcell (3)
- Louvered Down Light (4)
- Louvered Step Light (2)
- Low Profile (8)
- Low Voltage Cable (12)
- Low Voltage Wire (6)
- Lozano (12)
- Lucian (4)
- Lucian Elite XL (4)
- Lucien (2)
- Luella (6)
- Lyndon (15)
- Lyndon Patio (7)
- Lynn Haven (8)
- Lynne (2)
- Lytham (8)
- Maclain (3)
- Madden (47)
- Madison (16)
- Malen (12)
- Malene (15)
- Malone (1)
- Manhattan (2)
- Manningham (6)
- Maor (3)
- Marant (32)
- Marchesa (1)
- Marette (9)
- Marika (2)
- Marilyn (4)
- Marimount (8)
- Marquee (2)
- Marsailli (6)
- Mathias (3)
- Mathus (10)
- McAdams (4)
- Melis (4)
- Meller (6)
- Melon (5)
- Melrose (2)
- Mercel (6)
- Metro Park (1)
- Mill Lane (6)
- Millwright (3)
- Mini Accent (10)
- Mini Deck Light (5)
- Mint (2)
- Mission (2)
- Mission Lantern (1)
- Missoula (2)
- Modena (1)
- Moderne (6)
- Mona (2)
- Monarch (7)
- Monarch II (3)
- Monarch II Patio (3)
- Monroe (46)
- Montauk (3)
- Montavello (4)
- Montego (1)
- Moorgate (6)
- Morelle (1)
- Morrigan (12)
- Morris (5)
- Motu (2)
- Mount Vernon (22)
- Mounting Flange (1)
- Moxie (2)
- Moyra (3)
- Nadine (4)
- Nani (2)
- Narelle (6)
- New Street (8)
- Newport (5)
- Nicholson (23)
- Niles (14)
- Niva (2)
- No Family (1)
- Nobu (4)
- Nocar (3)
- Non-Corrosive Support Stakes (1)
- Northland (5)
- Northview (1)
- Nye (6)
- O Hara (4)
- Oak Glen (3)
- Oak Trail (2)
- Oana (6)
- Ocala (3)
- Odensa (15)
- Olsay (2)
- Olympia (10)
- One Tier (3)
- Opal (3)
- Optic Ice (4)
- Outdoor Wet Light Kit (6)
- Ovale (1)
- Pacific Edge (9)
- Pai (5)
- Palisades (3)
- Pallas (18)
- Pallerton Way (3)
- PAR 30-R30 Spot Light (2)
- Parker Point (5)
- Path & Spread (11)
- Pellinord (2)
- Petal (3)
- Peyton (3)
- Phix (18)
- Phree (3)
- Piedmont (1)
- Pier (16)
- Pierced Dome (2)
- Pim (11)
- Pinion (2)
- Piper (10)
- Pira (5)
- Piston (4)
- Plug-In Transformer Photocell (1)
- Pocelona (2)
- Pola (4)
- Portman Square (3)
- Potomi (1)
- Power Post (1)
- Pyramind (1)
- Pytel (4)
- QUIC DISC Connector (2)
- Ralston (2)
- Rana (2)
- Realta (3)
- Reese (3)
- Regence (12)
- Remy (2)
- Renew (12)
- Renew Designer (4)
- Renew ES (4)
- Renew Patio (6)
- Renew Premier (7)
- Renew Select (4)
- Renew Select Patio (2)
- Retrofit (4)
- Rettangolo (4)
- Reynes (1)
- Ridgewood (3)
- Ridley II (8)
- Ried (3)
- Rigel (2)
- Ripley (6)
- Ripley Path (1)
- Riser (1)
- Riu (2)
- River Path (4)
- Riverwood (7)
- Riviera (20)
- Rochdale (6)
- Rock Guard (1)
- Rockbridge (2)
- Rocklyn (3)
- Roehm (8)
- Rosalie (2)
- Rosalind (21)
- Rosh (12)
- Roswell (10)
- Round Lantern (1)
- Roux (2)
- Rowland (1)
- Royal Marine (2)
- Rumer (2)
- Rustic (5)
- Ryler (5)
- Ryo (2)
- Sago (2)
- Saldana (3)
- Salem (1)
- Salisbury (20)
- Samural (3)
- Santiago (3)
- Sashi (12)
- Sausalito (4)
- Savanna (1)
- Savannah Estate (3)
- Sayre (7)
- Seaside (21)
- Sedo (9)
- Senna (4)
- Serca (6)
- Serena (17)
- Serene (4)
- Series I Fluorescent (6)
- Sevan (2)
- Shae (16)
- Shailene (74)
- Shallow Shade (4)
- Shefali (4)
- Shelby (2)
- Short Dome (1)
- Shuriken (2)
- Signata (3)
- Silberne (7)
- Silvarious (24)
- Silver Coral (4)
- Simplicity Side Mount (1)
- Single Tier Leaf (2)
- Sisu (4)
- Six Groove (2)
- Skagos (12)
- Skye (3)
- Sloane (1)
- Sola (12)
- Solia (12)
- Sorel (3)
- Soria (2)
- Souldern (3)
- South Hope (6)
- Springfield (5)
- Spyn (3)
- Spyra (4)
- Stafford (18)
- Starkk (18)
- Steel (6)
- Stelata (2)
- Stella (2)
- Stem Coupler (2)
- Step and Hall Light (64)
- Step Light (12)
- Stonebrook (2)
- Stratmoor (2)
- Structures (12)
- Suri (5)
- Surrey (3)
- Suspender Kit (4)
- Sutter Place (1)
- Sutter Place Premier (3)
- Sutter Place Select (9)
- Sutton (2)
- Swiss Passport (3)
- Sycara (12)
- Sylvia (6)
- Szeplo Patio (9)
- Tabot (2)
- Taden (4)
- Talland (4)
- Tallie (24)
- Talman (2)
- Tangier (5)
- Tanglewood (31)
- Tanis (8)
- Tao (18)
- Tape Light (61)
- Tapered Column (2)
- TaskWork (48)
- Taubert (3)
- Taulbee (3)
- Tee (1)
- Telan (3)
- Telford (21)
- Terna (4)
- Terra (4)
- Terra Select (7)
- Tess (2)
- Theo (2)
- Thisbe (8)
- Thoreau (6)
- Threaded Stem (2)
- Three Tier (4)
- Tibbi (2)
- Tiers (2)
- Tig (3)
- Tilson (1)
- Titus (5)
- Todo (3)
- Tolani (3)
- Tolerand (5)
- Tollis (6)
- Toman (20)
- Topiary (4)
- Torche (9)
- Tori (2)
- Torvee (4)
- Tournai (31)
- Townhouse (16)
- Traditional Marine Lantern (3)
- Transformer (18)
- Transformer - Plus Series (2)
- Transformer - Standard Series (3)
- Tree Bracket (1)
- Tree/Surface Mount (3)
- Tremillo (7)
- Trentino (6)
- Trenton (2)
- Trevor (2)
- Triad (6)
- Trinsic (9)
- Triocent (2)
- Truby (12)
- Tubes (1)
- Tula (4)
- Tulle (4)
- Tully (10)
- Turlee (2)
- Turtle Light Fitter (10)
- Tuscany (9)
- Uma (3)
- Under Cabinet Accessories (6)
- Under Railing Light (1)
- Uni-Sleeve (1)
- Universal Bowl (4)
- Universal Bowl Glass (3)
- Up Town (2)
- Up/Down Accent (3)
- Utilitarian (92)
- Valencia (2)
- Valserrano (20)
- Vance (3)
- Vandalia (4)
- Vara (8)
- Vassar (4)
- Vath (8)
- Vego (1)
- Velestino (12)
- Venetian Rain (1)
- Versailles (16)
- Verve (1)
- Vetivene (21)
- Victoria (4)
- Villa Flora (3)
- Vintage Park (1)
- Vionnet (8)
- Voclain (16)
- Voleta (9)
- Volos (8)
- Voya (4)
- Wakefield (5)
- Walden (4)
- Wall Mount Bath (6)
- Wall Wash (2)
- Warrington (1)
- Water/Specialty Light (1)
- Waverly (15)
- Wayland (4)
- Wedgeport (44)
- Well Light (11)
- Wesly (8)
- Westington (4)
- Wharton (3)
- Winslow (33)
- Wiscombe Park (12)
- Wright (1)
- Wynberg (12)
- Xety (2)
- Yorke (4)
- Zailey (12)
- Zen Garden (5)
- Zeo (24)
- Zeus (3)
- Zolder (2)
- More Options...
- Less Options...
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